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(2 edits) (+1)

the game is amazing, is perfect omg i loved it so much!!!!!!!!!!! im so happy the game has ptbr translation too!!!!!!

i loved every single one of the characters and endings

Julian is one of my fav along with Frank,Blatella,Doug,Bogart, all of them omg

uhhhhhh buzz-bee scares me...................

i think i might never accept candy from anyone in my life


todo sucesso pra vcs!!!!!!!

só pra saber is it allowed to record videos about it?


Tell me- Didn't this used to cause money?

Or it's just me?

Nope, the game has always been free 😌❤️

Ob okay~



is noone going to talk about buzz bee being a fucking cannibal

hgfiusagfiasy shhhh not everybody has noticed X'D 

oops - noone saw that



DOUG <33333


Loved the game!! Honestly HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
I read a lot of manga/manhwas and have been getting into visual novels lately but this is the first game I've played where I have actually struggled so much to pick a favourite character to choose a route! I absolutely adore the designs for all the characters, the clothes are sooo cool! ALSO THE SOUNDTRACK IS AMAZING and the music for when Bogart and Buzz-Bee are dancing actually was such a jam that my first playthrough I just danced in my chair for a bit XD

Bogart caught my eye immediately because of his design, Doug was mysterious and interesting to me too but Julian was the surprising one for me because every elimination round I would keep him in naturally and I myself didn't even know why hahahaha. But yea, like I said, it was so tough to pick a fav, I was also amazed with Buzz-Bee's playdate part.

I also wanna add, the graphics of this game are actually just super fun, there is so much personality in everything and as a fan of all things weird & quirky it was just a mini mental vacation to a theme park and I was soooo happy for it. To the point I skipped most of my roommate's birthday party to play it XD

Thank you so much to the game creators!!


My God, this is an honor for us!! Having difficulty choosing a character is our goal hehe. 

Aww, that is so wonderful to hear! <33 And we loved to see how Julian is the favorite character of many and he doesn't say anything lol. OH, and finally someone to love Bogart!! <33

And you have no idea how happy this makes us! What was supposed to be just a short game for April 1st and still receiving such good feedback leaves us simply speechless, so thank you so much! Fhasuihfuisa oh no! Poor roommate's party X'DD but somehow sublove looks like a lil party lol.


Hehehe happy to know! And yes lil party with the love interests XD


I love this game so much! I did laugh for a couple times and I completed Julians ending  WHICH WAS UHMM INTERESTING. All the characters are interesting and I'm excited to find more endings! :D

Thank you so much!! That's wonderful to hear! Haha, it's an unexpected ending! X'D and we hope you have fun with the other endings too <3


All the characters have different unique charms which is the reason why I love all of them! Julian is my favorite because he's the one to be most unexpected, and I love how he is in all the endings. Seriously, I was so into the game so much that the first attempt on my first ending left my jaw dropped. Honestly... I'm really cheering for the real one where the potion actually worked. xx!

It's awesome to hear that you enjoyed all the characters in the game! <33 Julian does indeed bring something more lol which makes him a favorite for many. And yes! Let's hope our Rosalyn uses the right potion next time X'D

(1 edit) (+3)

A really, really cute game. Julian's and Rosalyn's dynamic was my favourite, as was with Blatella. I'd love Buzz Bee to be more expanded on, but that's just me. Now, excuse me, I'm going to check your page.


Thank you so much for your kind words! Julian and Rosa are the best X'D  and YES we'll be expanding on that in the future. Enjoy exploring our page, and feel free to share any more thoughts or suggestions you may have! ❤️


Why did you play not Android?

The Android version had an issue, and we couldn't solve it; we will try to fix it as soon as we turn our attention to the sublove :)




noooo don't cry!! Frank will be okay :') 


he's too sweet for this punishment 😔😔


I loveed it <3 so cute and cozy, with a bit of wicked humour 

aawn thank you!! <333 


doug and julian supremacy ... the UI was so pretty!!



This game is so fun and silly omg I loveeee it theyre all cuties! Kinda! In there own way lmao, BUT THE ART IS SO GOOD the menu screen, text screen, the animations, it adds so much depth how the game feels and really shows how much thought was put into it!!!

and I love being crazy its so refreshing  

Blatella <33 bud needs love fr AND I SHOULD BE THE ONE TO GIVE IT TOO HIM

anywayyssss amazing game 666/10 


haha yes the way we like fsahuof aouua, and it's fantastic that you appreciate every detail <33

That's the spirit! lol

YES he totally deserves it!! we can't wait to be able to give it to him! to all of them ^^ 

thank you!! hhaha I loved it!!! 💕


wow I had really fun playing this ty so much


aawn we are really glad you had fun~ <333

(1 edit) (+3)

I love everthing about this game. I love the UI, the art and the animations and the lovely, deranged MC. She might be my favourite MC. And I was very happy with being able to unnerve Julian. And perhaps because Julain was my favourite LI, I was happy to see him around in the other endings. It was very domestic. 
For being an April Fool's game, there was a lot of effort and passion put into it. I would definitately like to see more of the characters.

Thank you so much!! OMG! favourite MC??? that is such an honor!! We also love her very much she is just a crazy gnome lol

yes yes, the "evil" character being captured by MC was something we needed to do lol fdsaygfau omg "It was very domestic" I loved that X'DD 

We did put a lot of love. and we're grateful to hear that, it encourages us to make a sequel to them <33 


Meu Deus eu vi os comentarios e agora eu to é com medo KKKKKKKKKKKK


hahaha relaxa Julian não faz nada, só faz barulho kkkkkk agora só cuidado com o BuzzBee que esse ai pode morder  X'D 


This was cute and hilarious, and clearly a lot of care was put into it. And I definitely want the serious version of this game now.


thank you!! 🥺❤️ and we will bring!! We are very excited to be able to work with them again!🥰





I don't think that will be possible, but you are all free to create your version/ocs of our MCs 😉❤️


Awwww still thanks for replying though <33



Haha surprise surprise!! 😅 but Rosalyn may change those endings in the future 👀


Desculpa incomodar, mas eu queria saber o que aconteceu com a versão Android

A versão do Android acabou dando muitos problemas e que infelizmente nós não conseguimos corrigir, mas nós planejamos voltar a trabalhar no Sublove então tentaremos resolver isso novamente 😓


could u make a SERIOUS game like this? PLEASEEEE I'll do anything hushdifuhsiufhiushdfoshfdoiwhfoishgouhfuoehfiuehfiuh I really did thought it would be some serious and actual game about testing the potion but no! its some april fools game. I really REALLY loved this game fr BUBUBTUBFUT WHY DID IT END LIKE THATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT


Haha well… good news!! yes, we will do it 🥳 we will give more information in the future, but our Rosalyn will be back with a new potion, and let's pray that she makes it right this time. 😂


Omg! thank u so much, I'll be waiting for it, and..yes, hopefully our rosalyn will make it right haha


WHY DID IT END LIKE THAT DX, it is really a master piece but but but butbtbbbbbuuuuuut whyyyy

Omg! Thank you! We didn't know people would like that much! So we plan to give more than an April's Fools game 😌❤️


yayyyy!!!!!!  thank you so much!!!



Amei todos os personagens e a arte do jogo é linda, fiz até meus amigos obsecaram por esse jogo.Eu vou checar os outros jogos do estúdio e espero ver mais jogos com personagens tão cativantes quanto esse <3


eu realmente me apeguei demais aos personagens(Frank my beloved), então eu acabei ficando triste por não ter um final fofinho com cada um, e fiquei desejando um jogo que fosse possível conquistar cada um.


Aawn nós agradecemos muito mesmo!! Nos deixa muito feliz saber que você também compartilhou com seus amigos 😭❤️

Aaaaah finalmente alguém para amar o Frank!! Mas agora pode ficar feliz que nós vamos fazer uma continuação! Então pode esperar por finais melhores kkkkk 



omg! Julian goes wild with you 🤣

Hope you didn't get stuck with a sexy spirit following you haha 🤣


Whoever is behind this masterpiece of a game, truly, you're amazing! I love your improved art style, you always exceed my aspectatives and each and every otome game you make is so SO pretty and fun to play! Thank you so much for your hard work! Much love from Italy.

omg, thank you so much!! it means a lot to us😭😭❤️❤️❤️


I absolutely love this game! It's so going on my list of best games that I've ever played! It was so interesting to play. That staring contest thing was so hard that I had to download an auto clicker cause I kept losing. Also, I feel bad for Doug! The MC just forgot about him!! His ending killed me. I was like: "OMG I HOPE IT WORKS FOR DOUG!!!" and it didn't!!! I didn't expect for BuzzBee to be a cannibal so that kinda creeped me out. I love Julian though! The way the MC horrified him was hilarious! I wish there was more of this game!! I would defs play it!!

That is so sweet!! oh no sorry about that 😂 We also suffer from the staring contest, we had to play it so many times lol 

but who knows now it will work?👀 We will bring more of them in the future! 

(1 edit) (+5)

Blatella is the loml


Hi! I really love this game, I've gotten all of the character endings, but I'm still missing the final CG. Does anyone know how to obtain it?


Dam why do all the good games not have android this seems like a good game but I guess I will never know for sure


This game was super fun! I'm glad I finally got to play it~ I enjoyed all the character interactions, they were hilarious. The art is super gorgeous, as well, I like how colorful the whole game is. And the animated intro + the menu?! That honestly got me excited from the moment I opened the game!

The endings were definitely not what I expected, and I felt kind of bad for all the subjects (especially Doug, poor guy!), but at the same time, they were so charming in their own ways. I'm glad Frank finds joy even as a worm! And haunting Julian is rather amusing~

There were a few typos here and there, plus a one line from Frank after rejecting him in the second round that was in Portuguese (It's: OK. Desejo boa sorte com sua pocao.) But it didn't happen that often so it wasn't too big of a deal, still I thought I'd mention it in case you want to go back and check it.

Either way, lovely game, enjoyed it a whole lot!

(5 edits) (+5)

OMG! You don't know how much I love this game the intro, the artwork (it looks different and i'm liking it better than the previous style), the outfits (my fav outfit is Bogart's) ahhhhhhhhhhh. Especially precious boi Julian and I hope he'll find love, souls and some pants because he really need them XD . So sad that this is only an April fool game. If you plan to make serious endings I would love to see what happen to people that "go home with MC' magic", where is Julian from?, why's he stuck in a well?, how old is him?, did he got cursed that everything seem to die wherever he goes?, did the lonely witch have a bff or a bf after Julian drink the potion?, what happen to Doug when he reenter the village?, why/when did MC lock him in the basement in the first place? ,why Buzz-bee is a cannibal? ,what was Blatella's parents on when they name him a German cockroach? and i'm curious about the MC character too! What's her past, her relatives... I really want answers! XP


i loved all the characters! the staring contest with Julian & Buzz Bee had me in HYSTERICS with Julian scurrying around the screen and bee giving me the blankest stare, as well as Blatella's ending. 


Eu amei tanto esse jogo! Cada personagem com suas personalidades únicas e distintas, o enredo, que mesmo não sendo longo, me gerou intriga e curiosidade em saber mais, os minigames que foram muito divertidos, a interface que eu achei simplesmente sensacional, a pequena animação no início... enfim, muito que eu poderia citar aqui <3
Eu joguei todas as rotas e concluí que o meu personagem favorito entre todos foi o Doug, nossa, eu me comovi bastante com o contexto dele e o final foi tão triste (na verdade, eu achei todos os finais agridoces, mas divertidos mesmo assim). Dou destaque também ao Julian e ao Blatella (que se mostrou ser alguém muito adorável no fim das contas). Em geral, eu amei todos eles.
Por fim, gostaria de comentar sobre o design. Eu adorei demais a singularidade de cada personagem, e o cabelo da protagonista me chamou a atenção em especial, achei legal demais ele ser geométrico, combinou muito com personalidade dela (que eu amei, inclusive. Me diverti muito com ela XD)
Meus parabéns pela VN incrível e muito sucesso! Admiro e me inspiro muito com o trabalho de vocês!






Hey i saw my sister play this game and tried to download it but it says i dont have the application to do that and i dont really know an way go fix tha


Actually thought I was gonna fall in love </3 As much as I was interested in Blatella.. I absolutely LOVED Frank just for him to turn into a WORM??? OMG, but like yeah, I made the right call kicking out Bogart and Buzz-bee out first cause they a little weird for sure😭


loved all the characters (including mc), their personalities, and banter. LOVED the art. if only the endings were genuine T_T great game anyways!


simplesmente maravilhoso. not gonna lie, o final do doug me deixou triste demaiskkkkkk em compensação o tanto que ri com o do blatella... enfim, o equilíbrio. fiquei bem curiosa com muita coisa, amei cada minuto da experiência, as expressões faciais dos personagens parecem mas reais do que nunca. os jogos de vocês sempre me deixam feliz, é um conforto bem específico. obrigada por sempre soltarem algo novo e único assim ♡

(meu cérebro apagou a tag de jumpscare, e eu REALMENTE fui com deus na hora


Just want to say I absolutely love this game! I don't know if you have plans on bringing these characters back and doing something more with them. But I sure hope so cause I'd love to play more. 

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