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WHY DID IT END LIKE THAT DX, it is really a master piece but but but butbtbbbbbuuuuuut whyyyy

Omg! Thank you! We didn't know people would like that much! So we plan to give more than an April's Fools game 😌❤️


yayyyy!!!!!!  thank you so much!!!



Amei todos os personagens e a arte do jogo é linda, fiz até meus amigos obsecaram por esse jogo.Eu vou checar os outros jogos do estúdio e espero ver mais jogos com personagens tão cativantes quanto esse <3


eu realmente me apeguei demais aos personagens(Frank my beloved), então eu acabei ficando triste por não ter um final fofinho com cada um, e fiquei desejando um jogo que fosse possível conquistar cada um.


Aawn nós agradecemos muito mesmo!! Nos deixa muito feliz saber que você também compartilhou com seus amigos 😭❤️

Aaaaah finalmente alguém para amar o Frank!! Mas agora pode ficar feliz que nós vamos fazer uma continuação! Então pode esperar por finais melhores kkkkk 



omg! Julian goes wild with you 🤣

Hope you didn't get stuck with a sexy spirit following you haha 🤣


Whoever is behind this masterpiece of a game, truly, you're amazing! I love your improved art style, you always exceed my aspectatives and each and every otome game you make is so SO pretty and fun to play! Thank you so much for your hard work! Much love from Italy.

omg, thank you so much!! it means a lot to us😭😭❤️❤️❤️


I absolutely love this game! It's so going on my list of best games that I've ever played! It was so interesting to play. That staring contest thing was so hard that I had to download an auto clicker cause I kept losing. Also, I feel bad for Doug! The MC just forgot about him!! His ending killed me. I was like: "OMG I HOPE IT WORKS FOR DOUG!!!" and it didn't!!! I didn't expect for BuzzBee to be a cannibal so that kinda creeped me out. I love Julian though! The way the MC horrified him was hilarious! I wish there was more of this game!! I would defs play it!!

That is so sweet!! oh no sorry about that 😂 We also suffer from the staring contest, we had to play it so many times lol 

but who knows now it will work?👀 We will bring more of them in the future! 

(1 edit) (+5)

Blatella is the loml


Hi! I really love this game, I've gotten all of the character endings, but I'm still missing the final CG. Does anyone know how to obtain it?


Dam why do all the good games not have android this seems like a good game but I guess I will never know for sure


This game was super fun! I'm glad I finally got to play it~ I enjoyed all the character interactions, they were hilarious. The art is super gorgeous, as well, I like how colorful the whole game is. And the animated intro + the menu?! That honestly got me excited from the moment I opened the game!

The endings were definitely not what I expected, and I felt kind of bad for all the subjects (especially Doug, poor guy!), but at the same time, they were so charming in their own ways. I'm glad Frank finds joy even as a worm! And haunting Julian is rather amusing~

There were a few typos here and there, plus a one line from Frank after rejecting him in the second round that was in Portuguese (It's: OK. Desejo boa sorte com sua pocao.) But it didn't happen that often so it wasn't too big of a deal, still I thought I'd mention it in case you want to go back and check it.

Either way, lovely game, enjoyed it a whole lot!

(5 edits) (+5)

OMG! You don't know how much I love this game the intro, the artwork (it looks different and i'm liking it better than the previous style), the outfits (my fav outfit is Bogart's) ahhhhhhhhhhh. Especially precious boi Julian and I hope he'll find love, souls and some pants because he really need them XD . So sad that this is only an April fool game. If you plan to make serious endings I would love to see what happen to people that "go home with MC' magic", where is Julian from?, why's he stuck in a well?, how old is him?, did he got cursed that everything seem to die wherever he goes?, did the lonely witch have a bff or a bf after Julian drink the potion?, what happen to Doug when he reenter the village?, why/when did MC lock him in the basement in the first place? ,why Buzz-bee is a cannibal? ,what was Blatella's parents on when they name him a German cockroach? and i'm curious about the MC character too! What's her past, her relatives... I really want answers! XP


i loved all the characters! the staring contest with Julian & Buzz Bee had me in HYSTERICS with Julian scurrying around the screen and bee giving me the blankest stare, as well as Blatella's ending. 


Eu amei tanto esse jogo! Cada personagem com suas personalidades únicas e distintas, o enredo, que mesmo não sendo longo, me gerou intriga e curiosidade em saber mais, os minigames que foram muito divertidos, a interface que eu achei simplesmente sensacional, a pequena animação no início... enfim, muito que eu poderia citar aqui <3
Eu joguei todas as rotas e concluí que o meu personagem favorito entre todos foi o Doug, nossa, eu me comovi bastante com o contexto dele e o final foi tão triste (na verdade, eu achei todos os finais agridoces, mas divertidos mesmo assim). Dou destaque também ao Julian e ao Blatella (que se mostrou ser alguém muito adorável no fim das contas). Em geral, eu amei todos eles.
Por fim, gostaria de comentar sobre o design. Eu adorei demais a singularidade de cada personagem, e o cabelo da protagonista me chamou a atenção em especial, achei legal demais ele ser geométrico, combinou muito com personalidade dela (que eu amei, inclusive. Me diverti muito com ela XD)
Meus parabéns pela VN incrível e muito sucesso! Admiro e me inspiro muito com o trabalho de vocês!






Hey i saw my sister play this game and tried to download it but it says i dont have the application to do that and i dont really know an way go fix tha


Actually thought I was gonna fall in love </3 As much as I was interested in Blatella.. I absolutely LOVED Frank just for him to turn into a WORM??? OMG, but like yeah, I made the right call kicking out Bogart and Buzz-bee out first cause they a little weird for sure😭


loved all the characters (including mc), their personalities, and banter. LOVED the art. if only the endings were genuine T_T great game anyways!


simplesmente maravilhoso. not gonna lie, o final do doug me deixou triste demaiskkkkkk em compensação o tanto que ri com o do blatella... enfim, o equilíbrio. fiquei bem curiosa com muita coisa, amei cada minuto da experiência, as expressões faciais dos personagens parecem mas reais do que nunca. os jogos de vocês sempre me deixam feliz, é um conforto bem específico. obrigada por sempre soltarem algo novo e único assim ♡

(meu cérebro apagou a tag de jumpscare, e eu REALMENTE fui com deus na hora


Just want to say I absolutely love this game! I don't know if you have plans on bringing these characters back and doing something more with them. But I sure hope so cause I'd love to play more. 


I loved the hands of the witch in the UI and intro video - it's stunning! The art style is amazing. The face expressions are great :)
I'm so intrigued about the characters now! Especially Boggart, Julian, and Buzz Bee - they seem to hide a lot :D
I wonder if you plan to make something more in this setting - it would be very interesting to see it!


ADORED this game! For obvious reasons, I prefer 17+ games but even still this one got me attached to the characters to no end despite being so short. It's so well made and so fun to play :3 Another awesome game from Honey Bunny!


loved this idea of the mc being the captor !! dougs ending made me so sad T0T also love julian lol hes just a silly lil guy


i don't think he's little but he's cute and silly

(1 edit) (+6)

Haven't tried out all choices yet & will possibly come back to comment more. First off, please know that I loved this!! I found the length to be just nice (like it wasn't too short hehe). And I very quickly got attached to some of the characters (specifically Blatella, Frank, and Doug hehe). Still, Imma drop this comment off first before I continue trying out other choices: I DEMAND BETTER FOR DOUG T.T oh my heart, he's surprisingly precious what the heckk. 

Also, this isn't the first game I played from you all but I realised I've never commented on the fact that the art is GORGEOUS <3 Your games' main menu's art is always like a pleasant little surprise hahaha (I like how hovering over the buttons changes up the art - and I think ya'll deserve more credit for putting in effort on that hehe). Anways! I'm off to explore more options frm this game hehe.


Back again! Played and got all the CGs hehe (again, beautiful art!) But man, a lot of things mentioned off-handedly and for a short bit for some of the characters made me go "wait what, you're not gonna say more? but i must know!" xD like woah, what the heck is up with Buzz Bee's candies? what about that plan Bogart talked about that was inspired by his past? what about Doug's history? hahaha, oh well. 

If you ever considered making a longer game based off these character - know that you have one supporter here down bad to get her hands on the VN alright. Again though - good job on this short one <3 Rlly enjoyed it! Will probably play anything you all make, rlly. See ya'll again in another game's comment section hahaha. 


:O I’m back again! I saw this earlier and wasn’t sure if it was an April Fools thing so I decided to wait it out :)

But now I know it’s not, I will say my heart already set on Julian! <3 I’m excited! 


I genuinely love the art, characters and music so much.

spoilers below!!!!:

No joke its so great and I love the characters so much (I chose Blatella) it would be nice to see a real ending (Though the one they have is funny and I was shocked lmao). Also I struggled with the second staring contest idk why I literally thought something was up and the game ended right there but it turned out I just wasn't clicking enough lol.



KJFDSKAHFKJASHF THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! 😭🙏❤️ you are too kind 🥺❤️❤️❤️


I PLAYED IT.AND IT WAS SO GOOD but I forgot that it was for innocents day so I expected a sweet caring balbla ending but it was fun !! My favs are  Blatella and Julian<33 tysm for making the game!!


There is a bug for Android people! We can't see the texte because it's too low...


WE SAW IT NOW 😭😭 We are trying to fix this bug. Hopefully, we will be able to relaunch the android build soon 🙏


Oki !! I can't wait to play this fantastic game!! ❤️😁


Is there a walkthrough or is one not needed to get good ending easily?

Oh, the walkthrough is really not needed. You can get all endings by choosing which character you want to stay with you until the end 🥰


Perfect thanks!


Loved it! Maybe I wanted a bit more romance, but still it was a unique experience


Thank you so much!! ❤️❤️ Oh, yes! More romance would be great, but that was also the prank for April fools 😆

Thank you so much for playing!!! 🥰🥰




I KNOW!! 😔😭 baby deserves love 🥺

Thank you so much for playing!! ❤️❤️


JULIAN MY BELOVED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- warning for spoilers, through the whole comment -

Honestly, I don't know what I was expecting to see when your chosen drank the love potion. I chose Blatella cause.. he's my type he seemed the most into Rosalynn. (Begrudging X Silly pairings.... peak of romance!!!) When the screen went dark I thought it was gonna take a turn for angst but no he just turned into a roach XD

On the other hand, Doug's ending was sad as fuck TTT-TTT. He just ends up forgotten... wah.. my heart.....

Julian was my second pick for the ending because I got the vibes it was not gonna be a serious ending, and I saw Julian in the BG of Blatella's CG. Honestly? I can't be that mad! If I was Rosalynn I'd do the exact same thing TBH. I'm really happy with how Julian stays with her and appears in all the other endings too, I love him so much!!!

Wah I need to talk abt the UI too?!?? I love the hover effects, if that's what you call them? They're a small detail, yeah, but not many other VNs put that much effort into the hover details, at least out of those I've played. I spent a good minute on the start screen and menu just admiring the hover effects.. 

Overall, I'm really glad to have come across a gem like this!!! Thank you for making this game, I had a lot of fun playing ^^


OMG THIS GAME IS SO GOOD <333 I LOVEE EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER AND THE ENDINGS ARE JUST AA FJNBJFNB  so unexpected but i am very satisfied- Blatella's cg made me laugh XDD but overall i love thiss game and Rosalynn herself is such a mood <3 GREAT JOBB 💗💗

fshjkfsdhkjf thank you so much!!!! 😭❤️❤️❤️ we are so happy had fun with the boys kfsjhfkja tHANK YOU!!!!! 🥰🥰




Julian wants me fr

he sure does 😳 but do you want him too? 👀😳


omg this game was so enjoyable, i liked Blatella, Julian and Doug the most! i was looking forward for something more with Blat and also Julian (i got extremely excited bc he is so tall and mysterious, i hoped i would fill his empty soul with love but this witch is too crazy :') ), and also Doug made me cry because he deserves the whole world in my opinion :')))))

regardless of the endings, i really enjoyed the game and spent my time playing it without regrets, it ends so fast but its suitable for a quick playtime/experience.

side note: the other reason why i am so interested in Julian is that he reminded me of Eric Quinn from the legendary game 'Teachers with love and passion' but he looked even hotter, and Blatella also sounds and his expressions partly look like Lawrence Hanson's from the mentioned game (my most famous type in men), so I AM OBSESSED JUST LIKE THE DEAREST WITCH!

i love you guys so much, looking forward for MORE (and here is an amogus crewmate as a gift)!

ADAYSCHSCAHAG RUBY YOU 😭🙏❤️❤️ It's so good to see you again 😭❤️❤️ AND WE ARE SO HAPPY YOU ENJOYED THIS GAME TOO 🥺🙏

omg yes!!! Doug deserves the world 😭 he's a baby 🥺

The dark side boys keep winning 👀✨ Maybe Eric would turn into something like Julian when he does too 😂😂 he sure would follow mc everywhere 👀 ALSO YES!!! Blatella and Hanson are so similar they would understand each other very well lol

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! You have no idea how much we love reading your thoughts here. You always makes us smile 🥰❤️❤️

Thank you so much for playing and for taking the time to share so much love with us ❤️ we really hope to see you again soon!!

also you just hit us right in the heart with that Vergil 😳😳 we love it lolol


I'm always at service! Vergil says hi💖✨️


The words don't go on the textbox

I'm playing on Android btw


Yup, i was going say this, the text is out of textbox in android. It is very low im screen.


For some reason, Android builds are always troublesome to get it right😔 But I'm going to check the files now and try to fix it as soon as possible! 

Thank you guys for letting us know!❤️


Oh, thank you so much for reaching out! I'm so sorry! This really wasn't supposed to happen 😭

I'm going to check the files and test it again. I probably messed up some codes when I was testing it on my phone 😔

Once I fix this bug, I'll update the game again! ❤️


Thank you!


cute little game! blatella is my favorite :) (mostly coz i love winning over the hearts of seemingly heartless men hehe) Sad it was for april fools tho :< i cant eplain how much i love the art style for all your games!

The harder it is, the more satisfying it feels 😌👌 😆

I totally understand what you mean because we were a little sad about it too 👀 😅 But we are glad you enjoyed it even though it was a short prank 😆🥰 also, our artist is very happy to know you liked it ❤️

Thank you so much for playing!!!❤️❤️❤️


i wish you can update more colorful than the others for now.

but wou always making wonderful games honeybunny!


Oh, but we are! 😌 I promise you we did not forget about those characters and we have been working on Colorful MIRAI all this time too 👀

Lately, we are sharing a few updates on our ko-fi page instead, but we are working 😆

Also, thank you so much 🥰 We are glad you enjoyed this game too ❤️


yw! ^^


Hi! I was playing your game subject LOVE, I wanted to tell you I found a little bug! (It doesn't crash the game of anything, just wanted to let you know, if you need any info I can tell you;D like the decisions I made or something, this happen until the final decision appear!) Btw, the game was really funny and good! Hope to see more, I did all the endings :D


omg Bogart shamelessly showing his feet like that 😳 But, seriously, I'm sorry it happened 😔 and thank you so much for sharing it with us!

Thanks to your screenshot I found where the bug was hiding 👀 and I got rid of it 😌🙏 

Now the files are updated and hopefully, it won't appear again.

Also!! Thank you so much for playing!!! ❤️ We are really happy you enjoyed it 🥰 🥰 


NP! Haha since it was my first try I though he revived to kick me off the world LMAOO it was pretty funny tbh, Thank you so much for the game! I actually shared with mi sister so she can also play, I was waiting for this💓💓💓


About to try out the vn, so I scrolled down to check the comments real quick while waiting for it to download and LOL! That bug is amazing :'D


lol i didnt expect the endings but i picked julian andddd.. i think its what you call karma for julian lmao but seriously i loved the game! got seriously emotional near the end because of them suddenly being friendly and all that when i eliminated frank i felt guilt ;-;


Karma follows you even in the afterlife 👀😂 

Thank you so much. really! 🙏❤️ It makes us go beyond happy to know you had a good time with the game 😭❤️ 

The whole team thank you for playing and for taking the time to share your experience with us 🥰❤️❤️


I loved this sm! I managed to pass all of the staring contests by rapidly clicking my mouse (which was tiring but so fun) and I LOVE julian and doug, my fav boys! 10/10 game, very funny


THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! 😭🙏❤️❤️ We are so happy you enjoyed it 🥰

Oh, the clicking game is a bit hard when Buzz-Bee comes around lol but we are glad you made it 🥰

Thank you so much for playing and for taking the time to leave kind words here 🥰 We appreciate it very much 😭❤️❤️


Of course! you guys never cease to disappoint when it comes to your games! ❤️❤️

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