Big News - Crowdfunding Announce

Hello everybody! Look who is back on Subject: Love’s page! ✨✨✨

It’s been over a year since this project has been launched. Time really does fly. But we are not here to be all nostalgic and emotional. We are here to talk about the future 👀✨

Yes, you have read this right. Honey Bunny has big plans for Rosalyn and her boys.

Now let’s talk about it! 🥰

several beehives

We talked about it a few times on Ko-fi and announced X (Twitter) some weeks ago that we want to open a Kickstarter campaign for Subject: Love.

But, Honey Bunny, why would you do that if we already have this game here?

Because you guys asked for more and we want to give you more!

Many people have played the game and felt betrayed by the endings, lol. It was our evil intention because it is an April Fools project. However, we agree that Rosalyn and her boys have secrets that can’t be hidden forever.

With your great interest and our love for our characters’ story, we decided it was time to make a real game and tell you the story before the kidnappings and after Subject: Love Endings.

The past two months were all about planning what to do and how to make it happen because we want to give you a big project with long hours of gameplay, an original soundtrack, voice acting, and beautiful memories with the characters you already love.

Our main resource to make this dream come true would be to start a crowdfunding page. And that’s where the Kickstarter campaign comes in. But guess what? Things went wrong before we could start it 🙃

several beehives

We started the campaign page, but as soon as we reached the payment part we were notified that we could not proceed because Honey Bunny is not localized in the USA. Our country is not on the KS list to open the campaign for some reason.

It was a shock, but we decided to try again with other crowdfunding pages but the result was the same. 

I am not going to lie. This felt like all of our efforts in the past months meant nothing and our project was about to go down the drain.

It’s frustrating and discouraging, but we are Honey Bunny and we are not used to giving up on our projects after facing a few challenges.

We have a new plan. We are going to do our KS campaign through our Ko-fi page.

Will it be harder? Yes. Will it take more of our time and effort? Absolutely. Will we start our plans over to make it work on a different platform? Definitely. Will we be scared to make it happen? Hell yes! But we will do our best to make it work for you and our dreams.

We still have a lot to discuss and decide on, but I can tell you that Subject: Love will get two new games, hours of fun with Rosalyn and her lovely subjects, and cute merch for you to take home 🥰

honey bunny logo

Every day a new challenge and a reason to take a deep sigh and think about life. It’s not easy being an indie dev, lol.

But this is what we do and what we love to do. No matter how hard things get, we will keep trying for you and our dreams.

This is the first announcement. Hopefully, we will be back soon with more information and solid plans to share with you.

Things will work out. We promise you  🤗❤️


We often talk about the characters, make polls, and share updates and progress on TwitterKo-fi, and Tumblr. So, if you are interested in more info or have questions about the game, follow us!


SubjectLOVE (APK) 212 MB
Apr 03, 2023
SubjectLOVE (MAC).zip 194 MB
Apr 03, 2023
SubjectLOVE (PC).zip 228 MB
Apr 03, 2023

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Aguardo ansiosa 




So excited to see the final game!

We are excited to start working on it too!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️