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I love this game but.......I need Erik route. Why do side characters have to be so handsome?( ╥ω╥ )


it's the side characters' sin.... they always steal the spotlight 😔 gjkasdhkjh we are so glad you enjoyed it!!! ❤️❤️

Thank you so much for playing ❤️🥰


aaaahhhh this game's so good, I'm enjoying it so far, and its kinda hard to decide which route I should play first bcs all of the guy looks interesting :D


OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH!! 🥺🙏❤️❤️ We hope you enjoy it and have a great time with the boys. They are all ready to give you love 🥰❤️


You've successfully given me Lars brainrot for the rest of the week <3

You are welcome 😌😂 fjskahfkjs We are truly happy to know that you enjoyed spending time with him!!! ❤️

Thank you so much for playing it! 🥰❤️


the QUICKNESS with which i got this game....finally DILF and old man hunters receive the meal they have been deprived of


YEESS!!! WE ALL DESERVE THE DADDY MATERIAL!!! 😭🙏🙏 lolol thank you so much!!! We hope you have lots of fun playing this game ❤️❤️


Hiya! I'm loving it so far!

I cannot wait for Ray. I really hope there ends up being a route for Thomas, if I only had to choose one side character (as I think the others would be good, too) - it's just cruel to make him (and even Eric) such good/handsome characters, haha, such a waste (half-kidding). I agree with some of the other comments - even though some of these guys are not at all somebody I thought I would enjoy or get along with, let alone want to have a route of - I truly have enjoyed and wanted each of them. It's really great and refreshing!

There seems to be a glitch with the sound, though, even though I've set the music low, it's like every time a new scene/location comes up, it goes back up (tho the bar is in the same place), and I have to move the bar to high then back low for the sound to go back. I'm not sure how to fix this. 

There are a few spelling/wrong-words (carrier vs career, for example) mistakes - and honestly, I'm happy to beta/copy-read through everything if that'd help you at all. Because other than that, this is wonderful!

And really, when you think about the fact that this was done for a Jam.. that's just incredible and awesome, and I'm so happy and proud of y'all. This is very much cause for celebration, and I cannot wait to see what else you guys come up with!


OMGG!!! 😭🙏❤️❤️ I am so, so, soooo happy to read your comment 😭❤️  It's not worth making side characters if they are not going to look hotter than the main characters 😆😆 But, honestly, I'm really glad you enjoyed the game and I'm happy the boys surprised you 🥰❤️

Oh, and thank you so much for bringing this to our attention! I think I know what might have caused that 😅 I have checked the files and I'm updating the game. Hopefully, this glitch will be gone now 🥰

I swear, we tried so hard to get rid of typos and such, but here we are fahfkj 😣 omg that would help A LOT to be honest! If you are interested in helping us with the beta reading, you can contact us via our email:

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you so much! Your words, your thoughts, and your lovely support mean the whole world to us 🥺❤️ Working on jam drains a lot of our energy and mental health, but it is all worth it when we have a chance to receive so much love like this 🙏❤️

Thank you so much for playing it and we hope to see you around soon at Ray's route 🤗❤️


I NEED a romance route for lawrence!!!!! AHHHHHHH im begging you ;(


Lawrence already has a romance route though?? The ending was certainly meant to be romantic in my book haha


I feel like it was the best one, as far as that, the cg was the most romantic, imo. I loved him.


You can't get enough of Lawrence, can you? 😏 lol maybe confused his name with a side character's name?

Either way! Thank you so much for playing it!!! 🥰❤️


Congratulations on the release!!! <3

Issues-wise, I did come across a lot of typos; misspellings and the wrong word being used (gender being used in place of genre, for example), and the stalker (attempting to avoid spoilers here) seemed far better implemented into some routes than others; Leonard's seemed to just go ignored after one scene while Lawrence had a full resolution to that plot line, for example.


I love this!! haha
The characters are very interesting, and the setting and premise is so appealing! Love seeing an older cast in an otome so, so much! I truly didn't expect to end up liking some as much as I did too! (Edgar in particular just isn't the type I usually enjoy beyond wanting completion, and yet I really did find myself enjoying his route.) Fox had my heart from the moment I saw him, and meeting him solidified that - I am so looking forward to the eventual updates with his route especially!
Side note; Christy, I love you, never change.


THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! 😭🙏❤️ We are truly glad you enjoyed the game!!!

The typos... No matter how hard we try, it's always coming after us 😩 BUT WE WILL GET RID OF IT! In the next update 👀

About the stalker, I agree with you on this. We are wary of how it looked on Leonard's route 😅 We even joked about how MC seemed not to give a damn about the threats at some point lol 

Our main plan is to bring a conclusion and a better look at this matter with the additional endings. Leonard, Markus, and Lawrence are getting their bad endings to conclude the story. Edgar is also getting a love end to answer what happened in his bad ending 👀

It will come in a huge update 🥰❤️

I won't lie, I'm so happy to know that Edgar is getting all the attention he deserves!! 🙏❤️ His character is worth all his annoying jokes 😅❤️

We are working hard on Fox's route, so I hope you will love it too 🤗❤️

Thank you so much for playing and for taking a moment to write such a caring review! ❤️ We hope to see you around soon! 🤗

(1 edit) (+7)(-1)

AHHH OMG CONGRATS ON THE RELEASE!!!! You guys really put in so much work for us fans despite being so busy 🥺🥺❤❤❤ I'm so appreciative and it really means the world. It's going to be SOOO DIFFICULT now that I can have this game and all those fine 2d men omfg in my clutches but- 😂 I'm going to be patient to play and allow you guys time to finish your updates. So I will wait to gush out more but I just wanted to drop in and congratulate! Treat your selves to something nice to celebrate the release -- whether that be some shots, cake, or sleep 😂🎉🎁🎈🎊🥂 Yayy another game and jam completed!!!

PS: Y'all are wrong asf for making Thomas and Eric attractive knowing we can't have them smh 😂


THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! ❤️😭🙏 You know we are always working hard to bring smiles to your faces 🥺❤️

omg... OMG YOU ARE JUST TOO NICE TO US 😭❤️❤️❤️ we will make the full game worth all your wait, we promise you 🥺 it may take a few months but it will be worth it!!!!

We are going to celebrate and eat all the cakes this weekend 👀 lolol But seriously, thank you so much for coming here to share your love and support. Our words can't express enough of how much it means to us, that's why we work hard to show it through our games 🥺❤️

We hope to see you around soon 🤗❤️

yes!!! Thomas is here to take Eli's beauty crown lolol I can't wait to hear your thoughts on them later 👀👀


Firstly, congrats on the new release! I've been waiting for this one, especially since everyone is closer to my age range <3

Second! Lawrence is best, and I will die on that hill. I love him to pieces. I was shocked, however, at how much I liked Edgar, since he is the kind of personality that normally grates on me. Those endings, man... The friend ending for Leonard had one of my absolute favorite CGs ever, though, and it is definitely going into the PC background rotation.

Third, all the routes were solid, and I enjoyed wandering around Hanna's world and interacting with everyone.

Laaaast, AND THERE IS A MILD SPOILER HERE, I did notice something I wasn't sure about. Did you guys mean to leave the backgrounds as just a wall of black before Leonard's big reveal at the end? Because that's what it was for me. It's not a big deal, but just thought I would bring it to your attention.


omgg thank you so much 😭🙏❤️  I'm so glad you enjoyed them jkfshhfjh Edgar was created to cause people both pain and love lol 😆❤️ 

About Leonard's black screen... Yes, it was intentional because... we didn't have time to illustrate his living room for the jam and we thought it would ruin the surprise to just show his room right away 😅😣 HOWEVER!! We are going to change it to the updated version. We plan to give that scene a proper background and one more ending to his route 👀

Thank you so much for playing it and for taking the time to write such a lovely review! WE ARE REALLY SO HAPPY TO READ YOUR THOUGHTS GJSKFSJA 😭🙏❤️ Thank you!! Your words mean a lot to us!!! 🥰❤️

We hope to see you around again soon 🤗


I agree with everything here about the guys. Lawrence ended up being my favourite, Markus a close second. And I couldn't believe how much I actually liked/welcomed Edgar given that I would never have guessed/gone that way, haha.


I'm very excited that I stumbled on this! Looking forward to playing <3

OMG THANK YOU!!! I hope you have lots of fun playing it 🥰❤️❤️


I don't know why I'm so excited to get a bad ending...😅🤭


sjhfsjhfasjhg your heart is calling for spicy content 😳😂😂


You betcha 🤣

(2 edits) (+5)

Hello! Just downloaded the game, and I think there's something wrong with the volume settings. I tried to turn down the sound effects, but nothing changed. The music volume controller works, but when it comes to the sound effect (like the traffic sounds and the people talking sound), it doesn't change at all no matter what I do.

Hii!! omg thank you so much for telling us!! We didn't realize it before 😣 It seems that we switched the sound effects volume button with the Auto button 😅 

The game is updated and should be working right now 😊 Let us know if it worked for you! ❤️


It's working now, thank you :D 

I'm glad!! I hope you have fun 🥰❤️

(1 edit) (+5)

Wahhh, I almost forgot today's the launch. Im glad that this time everyone is adults. waiting for Ray's route heheheh ( ͡°ᴥ ͡° ʋ)


Yes!!! This time we wanted to make everyone mature and... hotter 😳😆 oh yes! Ray's route is coming soon! 👀

We hope you have lots of fun playing it 🥰🙏❤️

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