2022 is ending, but 2023 got surprises for you!

Hello everybody 🤗 Long time no see!!

How are you doing? Is this last week of the year treating you well? We sure hope it does 😉 And we hope you all had a great time on holiday. Y'all deserve it 💝

Talking about last week, this is the last devlog of 2022 😱 Time sure went by too fast this year, huh?! It still feels like February when we were fired up to work on Colorful MIRAI 😆

Also, so much has happened this year. It was surprising lol

We just posted a full wrap of 2022. In this "Honey Bunny's retrospective," we talked about all the joy and pain we went through this year. You can check it out here.

It was a beautiful year thanks to all of you 🥰

But back to the topic, since this is the last post here on itchio, we want to make sure it is a special one with some nice news for you 👀

Let's go to it.

Three canvases of different sizes

So, as people say, December is the month of hope and love. The perfect time for Renting Love for Christmas to celebrate its 1st anniversary. Yeees 🎉🎉🎉

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It's been a year since you invited those beautiful boys into your house lol

We didn't have time to make an illustration to celebrate it, but we still want to mention it and thank you all for giving this project a try and sharing so much love with us.

We truly appreciate it 🥺🙏❤️ 

Now we are looking forward to sharing a new story with them next year too 😊

Annnnnd since we are talking about stories, I think it's time to share some good news about TeachersLP with you 👀

Three canvases of different sizes


So... We got the update, all the new content, and everything else mostly done. 

Yes! Right now, we only need to edit and fix typos on Eric and Ray's routes and wait for the final CGs to be finished 🙏🙏🙏

Guys. It’s happening. IT IS HAPPENING!!! 😭🎉 finally omg 🙏

So, to wrap it up for once and all, the new update coming next year has:

  • 13 endings
  • 19 BGs (+Day/Night)
  • Over 30 CGs
  • 3 new sprites for every character
  • 1 new scene for Edgar
  • 3 new scenes for Markus's route
  • Leonard's route reworked (+2 new scenes)
  • Ray’s route
  • Eric’s route
  • 5 Epilogues
  • Over 120k words (over 8 hours) !!!!!!

So, when the game is out, we recommend you play all the routes from the start, because... It's going to surprise you 😉 

Three canvases of different sizes

Now talking about next year's plan...

Our main goal is to get Colorful MIRAI into a better shape. We want to focus on it the most and try our best not to start a new BIG project in the meantime lol

But of course, we are still open to short projects 👀

We also have Renting Love for Christmas 2 in the making. We hope to give it the attention it deserves this year.

So, to sum it up, our goal for 2023 is:

✨ Release TeachersLP’s new content as soon as possible.

✨ Focus on Colorful MIRAI. 

We are going to change the GUI, the backgrounds, and the sprites, add the new CGs and get the story into deeper ground. 
It's time to get all the notes we made this year and put them to work! 😤✊

✨ Make Renting Love 2 real.

✨ Annnnnd... Have fun until the end ❤️

It feels great to have goals and make plans, but it's always good to keep our feet on the ground and be prepared for anything that might happen along the way, be it something good or bad.

Things change all the time, but whatever happens, we will make sure to face it and work our way to give you the best experience we can ❤️

Three canvases of different sizes

So, yeah. Now is the time to enjoy this last week and just be grateful for all that has happened this year.

From devs to players, we thank you all for being part of our 2022.

You made our year better. And we hope, from the bottom of our hearts, we could have brought some love and joy into your life with our games too 🥺❤️ 

We are taking this week off to enjoy the party with our loved ones and rest a bit before getting back to work. We can't wait to see what awaits us next year!!!!

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Thank you for making 2022 such an amazing experience for us, and we hope to see you again in 2023 with more games to share with you 🤗❤️

We from Honey Bunny wish you all a very Happy New year!


Follow us on Twitter, Ko-fi, and Tumblr. 

Get Teachers. With Love and Passion.

Buy Now$9.99 USD or more


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shdkfjhsdhf I'm not done playing the game but I just love everything about it already and I'm just so excited for Ray's storyline, I will be waiting in anticipation!! Thank you for making a lovely game!!!

THANK YOU SO MUCH!! 🙏❤️❤️ We can't wait to share the update with you too adagsgha!!1! and we so hope you will love Ray too 🥺❤️🥰


ahhh que emoção, já estava me perguntando se iria sair alguma autorização desse jogo maravilhoso... E realmente vai ter, estou muito animada. Mal consigo esperar e estou morrendo de curiosidade... Enfim sei que já passou o natal e a véspera de ano novo... Bem feliz natal atrasado e um feliz ano novo. Eu realmente amo oq vc fazem e espero que tenha muitos ainda para vir. Obrigada por sempre fazer jogos maravilhosos.

ahhh what a thrill, I was already wondering if there would be any authorization for this wonderful game... And it really will be, I'm very excited. I can't wait and I'm dying of curiosity... Anyway, I know that Christmas and New Year's Eve have already passed... Well, a late merry Christmas and a happy new year. I really love what you do and I hope there are many more to come. Thank you for always making wonderful games. 


THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! 😭❤️❤️❤️

Sim!! Esse semana, se tudo ocorrer bem, a gente talvez consiga divulgar a data do lançamento 👀✨ Estamos ansiosas demais pra compartilhar isso com você ❤️❤️

MUITO OBRIGADA!! 😆😆 Que 2023 seja um ano incrível pra vc tbm!! E que a gente ainda possa se ver muitas vezes por aqui 🥰❤️


Ahhh I'm late to respond! But dude you guys always make me so happy and are motivational to me! The way you guys set goals and actually work hard to accomplish them is SO inspiring! As someone who doesn't even bother to set NY goals because I don't want to be disappointed if I don't complete them 😭😭 It's really encouraging to see you guys just working hard and giving us 🌟everything.🌟 (Just for this post, I'm going to try to be more productive in my own life.) I'm SO excited for your new updates, and will greedily consume any new games you guys put out 😂 Once again thank you and AHHH BLESS YOUR SOULS!!!!


AND YOU ALWAYS MAKE US SMILE 🥺❤️❤️ adafdfd thank you so much!! Your support has been giving us so much strength to keep going 😭🙏🙏

I know what you mean 😔 last year we had to drop projects and sacrifice other ones to keep ourselves on track. But we always keep in mind that we can come back to those old goals another time and try again. It's not easy for sure 😩 but it's worth the pain when we see people like you enjoying our work 😭❤️❤️

You go for it!!! Start small but don't be afraid to try. You know you got us here anytime and we are rooting for you 😤✊✊

Thank you so much for making our 2022 so amazing!!! We hope we see each other a lot this year too 🥰❤️❤️

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Reting love 2, I cant wait!!!
And so many new cool things, My boy got new thing too... When I started play TW i never could know that i would like so much from Edgar, and all guys I Think, I love games like this.  In truth I really looking forward theses updates. 
Thanks for hard work, and amazing games!!!
And best holidays ever! 


DHGSGDJHA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! We are also so excited to share it all 😭❤️❤️

It always makes us feel so happy to know how all the boys got so much attention and made this game way better than we had planned 🥰❤️

We are truly glad for your support and all your kind words this year. You really made 2022 so special to us 😭🙏❤️ We hope we can see you again many times this new year too 🥰 

We wish you the best in 2023!!!! 🥳

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Much love to all on the team,may they be healthy and happy as can be in 2023!<3

Thank you so much!!! 🥰🙏❤️❤️And we hope we can bring more joy to you this year too!!!

We wish you a fantastic 2023!! 🥳🤗❤️❤️


super excited!! thank u guys <3


THANK YOU!! 🥰❤️❤️❤️


I read your other blog post as well. Sorry to hear about DemonBear's health issues in September, and I'm glad she's feeling better now. I get how frustrating it is to not be working, but I can't stress enough how important it is to take breaks for self-care even though it can feel self-indulgent/unproductive. 

Anyway, on a positive note: I'm totally looking forward to what you bring us for next year! Can't wait to play "Teachers, with love and passion" again to see the new routes and what is changed in the current ones. I shouldn't be picking favourites... but 3 new scenes for Markus!! This sounds such a massive update from everything that is written the bullet list! The mention of "Colorful MIRAI" and "Renting Love 2" is super exciting too and I will be patiently waiting for whatever you prepare for them.


You know, you have been the most patient with us and we are so grateful for it 🥺❤️❤️

That's exactly what you said. We should have been paying attention to that too. 

We made the wrong move and we sure learned a lot from it. But we are going to be more careful now 🥰

THANK YOU SO MUCH!! ❤️❤️ Yes!! The update got a lot bigger than we planned lol At first it was supposed to be only Ray and Eric, but... You know, we got excited to apply the ideas we had to cut off from the jam into it now 👀✨ WE CAN'T WAIT TO SHARE IT!!!!

We want to make 2023 the “Colorful MIRAI year” for us. 

Thank you so much for your support 🥺❤️ You know how much it means to us to have you around and always sharing so much kindness 😭❤️ We love you!!!


Ah, that is too kind for you to say! I'm super grateful as well to have met you two, and thank you for bringing so much joy to the world with your VNs. And the cute 2D guys! I won't be denying that I am a bit giddy that Colorful MIRAI is teased, because I missed my HoneyBunny-verse first love Mr. Fabian Ortiz. Wait, wasn't it Joseph, you may ask? Sssht, I like them all, so it doesn't really matter.