Game guide!

Hello! This is the guide for “Teachers. Love and Passion” to help you get all the ends! :D 

Have fun! ❤️

Important note:

This guide is updated to the game's full edition. To see the old version made for the jam, access the files in the “TeachersLP Jam version (PC).zip”.

Recommended Play Order:

Markus > Leonard > Ray > Lawrence > Edgar

Enjoy the game!


Neutral end guide

  • "I'm loving it so far."
  • [You can pick any option here]
  • Go to the gym.
  • "Lawrence."
  • Don't help the kid.
  • Leonard.
  • The Scream.
  • "Enough talk for today"
  • Ray. [You can pick any option on chat]
  • Lawrence. [You can pick any option on chat]
  • "It's a kids' thing, don't worry."
  • Don't go.
  • Lawrence. [You can pick any option on chat]
  • End of the hallway.
  • Attack.


Markus Kent's route.

Common Route:

  • "I think I'll need some time to set myself around."
  • [You can pick any option here]
  • Go to the gym.
  • "Markus."
  • Help the kid.
  • Markus.
  • "That's not it."
  • "Enough talk for today"
  • Markus. [You can pick any option on chat]
  • Lawrence. [You can pick any option on chat]
  • "It's a kids' thing, don't worry."
  • Don't go.
  • Markus. [You can pick any option on chat]
  • End of the hallway.
  • Wait.

>ENTER Markus' route<

  • Go to the teacher's lounge.
  • [You can pick any option on chat]
  • "I'm here to back you up."
  • Wait in the lounge.
  • "I like spring."
  • "Are you sure?"
  • Tell them.
  • Refuse his help.
  • "yes" [on chat, when Markus asks you "can i hang out by your house?"]

  • Stay in the classroom.
  • [You can pick any option on chat]
  • "I'm here to back you up."
  • Wait in the lounge.
  • "I like spring."
  • "I don't want to cause you trouble."
  • Tell them.
  • Refuse his help.
  • "sorry, i think i need to rest more" [on chat, when Markus asks you "can i hang out by your house?"]

  • Stay in the classroom.
  • [You can pick any option on chat]
  • "I can tell him you are not here."
  • Go with him.
  • "Thank you."
  • "I don't want to cause you trouble."
  • Don't tell them.
  • Accept his help.


Leonard Flynn's route.

Common Route:

  • "I'm loving it so far."
  • [You can pick any option here]
  • Go to the dining hall.
  • "Leonard."
  • Help the kid.
  • Leonard.
  • The Kiss.
  • "Enough talk for today"
  • Leonard. [You can pick any option on chat]
  • Lawrence. [You can pick any option on chat]
  • "Do you like it?"
  • Don't go.
  • Leonard. [You can pick any option on chat]
  • Classroom.
  • Do as he says.

>ENTER Leonard's route<

  • Call him.
  • "I would like your help."
  • "...It's okay."
  • "Something troublesome." [On chat, when Leonard asks you "what kind of face I was making?"]
  • "No." [On chat, when Leonard asks you "do i scare you?"]
  • "I want to agree with you, Edgar."
  • "This doesn't concern you."
  • "I'm not worried about it."

  • Don't call him.
  • "I would like your help."
  • "..."
  • "Something scary." [On chat, when Leonard asks you "what kind of face I was making?"]
  • "No." [On chat, when Leonard asks you "do i scare you?"]
  • "You have a point, but I still think it's creepy."
  • "..."
  • "I would never hurt the school's reputation!"

  • Don't call him.
  • "Thanks, but I'm fine."
  • "..."
  • "Something scary." [On chat, when Leonard asks you "what kind of face I was making?"]
  • "A bit." [On chat, when Leonard asks you "do i scare you?"]
  • "You have a point, but I still think it's creepy."
  • "..."
  • "I would never hurt the school's reputation!"


Ray Fox's route.

Common Route:

  • "I think I'll need some time to set myself around."
  • [You can pick any option here]
  • Go to the gym.
  • "Lawrence."
  • Help the kid.
  • Lawrence.
  • "I see your point."
  • Leonard.
  • The Scream.
  • Markus.
  • "Well..."
  • "Enough talk for today"
  • Ray. [You can pick any option on chat]
  • Lawrence. [You can pick any option on chat]
  • "It's a kids' thing, don't worry."
  • Don't go.
  • Ray. [You can pick any option on chat]
  • First floor.
  • Call out to him.

>ENTER Ray's route<

  • Be honest.
  • "Missing you."  [on chat, when you text him to ask why he didn’t come to work]
  • "Probably."
  • Say nothing.
  • Go with him.
  • "Drive home."

  • Deny it.
  • "Feeling out of place."  [on chat, when you text him to ask why he didn’t come to work]
  • "I hope it doesn't."
  • Come up with an excuse.
  • Decline his invitation.
  • "Go out for desserts."


Lawrence Hanson's route.

Common Route:

  • "I don't know."
  • [You can pick any option here]
  • Go to the dining hall.
  • "Lawrence."
  • Help the kid.
  • Lawrence.
  • "I see your point."
  • Leonard.
  • The Scream.
  • "Enough talk for today."
  • Lawrence. [You can pick any option on chat]
  • Ray. [You can pick any option on chat]
  • "It's a kids' thing, don't worry."
  • Don't go.
  • Lawrence. [You can pick any option on chat]
  • Classroom.
  • Tease him.

>ENTER Lawrence's route<

  • "I'm sorry, Mr. Hanson."
  • Go to the library.
  • "I didn't feel uncomfortable about that."
  • Text someone.

  • "It was an accident."
  • Go shopping.
  • "Mr. Hanson didn't give me a choice."
  • Go to bed anyway.


Edgar Mitchell's route.

Common Route:

  • "I'm loving it so far."
  • [You can pick any option here]
  • Go to the gym.
  • "Edgar"
  • Help the kid.
  • Edgar.
  • "Let's save it for the next date."
  • Markus.
  • "Well...”
  • "Enough talk for today"
  • Edgar. [You can pick any option on chat]
  • Lawrence. [You can pick any option on chat]
  • "It's a kids' thing, don't worry."
  • Go with him.
  • "I'm glad I forgot that book."
  • Edgar. [You can pick any option on chat]
  • Classroom.
  • Do as he says.

>ENTER Edgar's route<

  • "I think I do.”
  • [You can pick any option on chat]
  • Give up on it and go home.
  • Stay silent.
  • "No."
  • "Stop being so needy!"
  • Don't go.
  • Don't go.

  • "Who knows..."
  • [You can pick any option on chat]
  • Call Christy.
  • Tell Edgar to stop.
  • "Yes."
  • "Sorry."
  • Don't go.
  • (Save the game here)
  • Go with him.

  • (Load your save)
  • Don't go with him.


Eric's route unlocked

To unlock the secret route, you must have seen all the endings.


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(1 edit) (+2)

OH MY GOSH THIS IS A LIFESAVER <333 so i was goin' through a few late night playthroughs and got confused when i saw a couple of photos missing- I'd previously played the entire game (-Markus' route because I kept forgetting 😭) before the update with Ray/Eric's route and more dialogue+epilogues. So far on my 'journey' i have finished two again. BUT anyways! I wasn't sire if there was a walkthrough for it or not.. I didn't remember seeing friendship routes so this def helped me out 😭 Thank you very much! <3

P.s this game is one of the BEST dating sims/otomes imo. Even off it holds a very special place in my heart. I love the story richness- I can honestly say I've never been disappointed by a Honey Bunny game :) 

-With love- lol.

Wait if I want the Eric route does that mean I also need the neutral end and not only the 4 guys' ends???

Yes and the bad ending


How can i resist ray's sexy smirks damn ❤️i love this game so much 😁 give us more please ☺️


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I LOVE this game. I love Edgar so much, also Lawrence, I love them all. Thanks you for creating this masterpiece 🙏 I wish there was also some female teachers route but its ok tho


Ehmm it's 1:30 am and I'm trying to figure out what the hell i did wrong because somehow I can't get markus's romance end :'). I'm getting a full on crisis here... pls help 💀💀


Silly question but i wanted to play with out the guides, are they hard choices and if i miss the first choice have i missed my chance at a romantic ending? Or can i miss a choice here and there?

Oh, don't worry! It's not silly at all! In the common route, the first choices don't have a big impact on the game, only later on when you start to make your way to someone's route 😊

During the route, some characters' choices are easier to understand and you don't have to worry about missing a chance, but others (like Leonard and Markus) might get you stuck on a Bad or Friendship Ending 👀


omg i literally went through the entire game like every ending in one sitting and loved every second of it but im so mad that eric was a horrible person bc im in love with his design and was hoping his route would just be another romance LMFAO. srsly though the game was amazing!!! also ray<3333

fhuisdsads thank you so much!!!! It always makes our day brighter to know people enjoyed the experience 😭❤️❤️🥰 and we totally understand why you would be so mad 😆😆 Eric is an awful character, but an awful cutie character 😌😆

But, seriously. Thank you so much for playing and for sharing your words with us 🤗❤️❤️❤️❤️


How do I unlock secret scenes? And why did my progress disappear? And by the way, the game was fantastic. I loved

Hiii!!! To unlock all the scenes you need to see all the good and bad endings + Ray's friendship ending 👀✨ 

Your progress disappeared because we had to change a few codes in every route for this update. 

So, to avoid errors and bugs, we changed the save directory folder. It was our best option to allow the player to see all the new content without running over a crash 😅

I hope it helps ❤️ And if you have any questions or bugs during your gameplay, don't hesitate to contact us 😊 We may take some time to answer but we are going to answer you 🥰

Also!! Thank you so much!!! 😭🙏❤️❤️ It makes us so happy to know you are enjoying it!!! 😊❤️


Absolutely loved the extended content! Great job guys! (Also, Thomas when...?)


THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! 😭🥰❤️❤️ Thomas will always be a love interest in our hearts 😌❤️😆


Hi, absolutely love the game and am super excited for Rays route. 

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong with his route though, I'm following the steps from above and no matter what I only get the option to check the classroom or end of the hallway instead of first floor. 

Hii!! Thank you so much!!! We are so glad you are enjoying it 🥰🥰

This wasn't supposed to happen 👀 Did you download the "Jam Version "  or the "Full Edition" file?  Ray is not available in the Jam Version so the first floor option won't appear. For this walkthrough, you need the Full Edition file. 

Let me know if that's what happened 😊 

Thank you for reaching out!! I'll check the files now and make sure it didn't corrupt anything 😅


Thank you for your response. It had been the full edition but I got it to work after uninstalling and reinstalling it!  Silly me, should have been the first thing to try, so now I'm working my way through the routes in order again to see all the new additions! Thank you so much

(3 edits) (+4)

i wanna see Eric's ending, but i am a little confused! do i have to also achieve the bad endings? like, every single one of them? omg i am not ready to do that, i get too emotional and sad when things don't go right!


i tried it, i saw every single ending and. . .good job honey bunny, i am beyond amazed and. . .i am speechless. but there's one fact i am sure of, which is. . .i will never stop loving this game and you no matter what happens, all the emotions i felt. .it made me wish there was more. And, as the new head of the Grumpy Lawrence fanClub, i couldn't be happier after noticing the new face details and seeing the added scenes at the end, i feel like i am floating in happiness, and i could cry again, just as i did after watching the final scene of Eric's route!!

thank you, from the bottom of my heart. it was so nice and comforting while it lasted.


Yes!! We decided to only show his route after you see all the endings so the player would be prepared for what's coming with that boy 👀✨ also I'm glad you got his ending!!!

OMGG THAT'S SO SWEET OF YOU 😭❤️🙏❤️❤️ Thank you so much for real 😭❤️ It really means so much to us to know we could share all these feelings with you 🥺❤️ 

"Grumpy Lawrence fanClub" afhsvsjsv I LOVE IT!!! Take good care of this old man for us 🥰❤️ also, our artist is really happy you noticed the changes in his expression! We were a bit worried people wouldn't see because Lawrence doesn't show much of his feelings. So, we are really happy 🥰🥰

Once again, thank you so much for your love and your support 🥺❤️ Your words have made us smile so hard all day ❤️❤️ We really hope we will see you again with our new games too 🥰❤️ 


I wouldn't love anything more than witnessing more games being made!💖 and you're welcome:3


OMG, I've played this game some time ago, and Lawrence is my fav, so I was ECSTATIC WHEN I READ HIS EPILOGUE, it's exactly how it should be (though i cannot help but miss him now that I've finished the game). I loved the little changes in his expressions, especially those just slightly noticeable but softer than his usual scowl.


DHJSAGKJD SO GLAD YOU ENJOYED HIS EPILOGUE!!! ❤️❤️❤️ The man deserved to have some private time to share love 😳❤️ ALSO we are so happy you noticed his expressions!!! 😭🙏

Thank you so much for playing!!!! It means a lot to us 🥰❤️


They really do need some private time😭😭😭 THAT MAN IS STARVING, and I don't even know how he has that much energy (at that age I'd probably be sleeping 20 hours a day😭). 

(5 edits) (+3)

Oh. My. Goodness. Where do I even start? Okay, so this was my first visual novel game. Ever. And I had so much fun playing it! Like seriously, it was so lovely, well-made and such a fun ride. I totally downloaded your game on a whim after seeing it being recommended on the Ojisan Mansion tumblr page haha but seriously, best decision ever. I'm so glad that this was my introduction to otome games. I know nothing about visual novel games seeing as this was my first time playing one but the art, the dialogue... all so lovely and sweet. The art! My goodness, I think I've even fallen for Christy from the way she's drawn... (seriously, having Christy as a love interest would be nice as well HAHA). And the dialogue was so natural and immersive!

Can't wait for Ray and Eric's route and any other future updates! I am especially curious about Eric 👀 ! I wish I could donate more than $2 on ko-fi... once I graduate from school and have a stable job I'll be sure to donate more! 💕💕


We took too long to answer your comment, but I swear, the day we saw it, we were so happy!!! And reading it again makes us smile again fausvshda YOU ARE TOO KIND!! 😭🙏❤️❤️❤️

It is too much responsibility to be your very first visual novel and I can't express how glad we are to know we could cause a good impression with these old men 😆😆 We really hope it opened doors to other games like this to you too 🥰❤️

Also! THANK YOU! Our artist worked really hard to make the side characters look good enough to steal the spotlight lolol

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you so much! Your words, your thoughts, and your support mean the whole world to us 🥺❤️ It's thanks to comments like yours that we work hard to bring more games 😭❤️

Thank you so much for playing it and we hope to see you around soon at Ray's route 🤗❤️


I wanted to do Markus route first and I endED IN EVERY ROUTE EXCEPT HIS! PLS- I had to come here looking for answers 'cause I was starting to think his route didn't exist and I've just dreamed with it.

I really love this game and can't wait for Eric's route! 💕


OMG 🤣🤣 Markus was playing cold with you agagkshd I really hope his route was worth the trouble he caused 😂🥰

SERIOUSLY! Thank you so much for playing it!!! 😭❤️❤️🙏 We hope to see you again soon when the update comes out 🤗❤️


My first time playing I was shooting for Markus (no walkthrough) but I didn't get it. I ended up getting Lawrence's route for some reason - AND LOVED IT. I forgot I'm super into characters who are hard to get and like to take control?! His secret hobby is super adorable too 😍 Can't wait to see the other routes!!!!

OMG MR HANSON WAS SEEKING YOUR ATTENTION!!!  And he always gets what he wants 👀🔥 

Seriously! We are so glad you enjoyed it 🥰🥰  And we hope you have a good time with all the boys and get Markus to yourself next 😆❤️❤️

Thank you so much for playing and for sharing your thoughts with us 🥰❤️


Uwaah I just finished all the routes and WOW!!! I can't wait for Ray and Eric to drop also please don't tell me I'm the only one who loves our resident yandere


YOU ARE NOT ALONE FHASFSAFJ 👀😆😆 We didn't expect many people to like the yandere boy, but we are so glad it happened too 🥰

Thank you so much for playing and for taking the time to share your thoughts!! It means a lot 🥰❤️❤️ We hope to see you again soon!

🔥( (-(-_(-_-)_-)-) )🔥Get the torches and bring the pitchforks, we're going to have a "peaceful dinner" with Eric... now lets say grace and pray....because god is merciful but we sure as hell aren't. 🙏💀🤭

Ok but I do relate to the yandare thing...I can't deny it.


Ngl I love this so much. Ah my favorite is Markus like I cant deny it! Second goes Leo. hahaha Eric scared me at night lmao


AAAAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!❤️❤️❤️ Yess!!! I'm so happy the cinnamon rolls got your heart 🥰 and omgg Eric 😂😂 he is a scary brat for sure lolol

Thank you so much for playing!! 🙏❤️❤️


no because i love the game and all the routes ive played so far but eric gives me the hibbie jibbiez maybe thats just me ray on the other that is gonna be fun


the hibbie jibbiez is real 😆😆 he may come back to surprise you in his special route 👀

Thank you so much for playing it and for taking the time to leave your thoughts!! We hope to see you around again soon 🥰🙏❤️

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit) (+1)

Ray is here to set people on fire and leave y'all asking for more 😌😆 but omggg we are so freaking happy to know it!!! So glad you enjoyed the game!!! 😭❤️❤️❤️ yes, Eric is coming to spicy things up a bit more and I hope you will like it 👀🔥

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR STAYING UP LATE PLAYING OUR GAME AND FOR TAKING THE TIME TO SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS!!! It means so much to us 🥺🙏❤️ We hope to see you around again soon 🥰❤️


I came here because I keep getting the bad ending with Eric and Edgar is LITERALLY MY TYPE IRL 😭😭 so he was my 1st choice lol but after reading a little bit of this I'll leave him for last. Thx for the walkthrough! I'm sure I'll need it lol

omg I'm sorry Eric keeps getting in your way 😆 but I'm so happy you enjoyed Edgar!!!! ❤️😭 Let us know if you have any trouble with the game! I hope you have lots of fun with it!!! 🤗❤️❤️

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